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 Key 5 - Purposeful Engagement
How you can bring greater purpose and meaning into your life:
“When you see the Earth from the moon, you don't see any divisions there of nations or states. This might be the symbol, really, for the new mythology to come. That is the country that we're going to be celebrating .”                         -- Joseph Campbell
"Feel yourself being quietly drawn by the deeper pull of what you truly love." 
- Rumi

PLANETARY HUMAN does not attempt to define any interested person's ‘purpose in life’. We do, however, work to help individuals define that for themselves; initially by providing the foundation of a deeper and more meaningful contextual awareness of one’s relationship to this remarkable planet through exposure to the Overview.

Our vision is that by deepening and expanding our contextual awareness we naturally experience

a cognitive shift in our worldview ~ one that is integrative and inclines each individual

toward the enhancement of life and the sustenance of living systems.

That will automatically make one's life more purposeful,

since purpose is context-dependent. We also offer a variety of approaches to

assist individuals to uncover their more specific

and unique calling – passion – excitement – bliss.

"The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away."  - David Viscott M.D.

PLANETARY HUMAN offers training to help people of all ages find their way into a more purposeful and meaningful life that they can experience unfolding tangibly; where they know they are contributing to making it a better world and are definitely 'part of the solution’ – whether that occurs on a very immediate personal level, or in a broader sense that includes large swathes of human civilization and the planetary biosphere. Rather than belonging to some human organisation, participants in these educational experiences deepen their sense of belonging to the one human family, to the biosphere, to planet Earth itself and to the Universe at large. Sensing the awe and wonder of the Planetary Overview is a valuable beginning to many kinds of transformative work. Common or even debilitating challenges can begin to shift as new windows into more expanded perceptions open wider. 

"Purpose: Your authentic self-expression that creates value." 

- Ginny Whitelaw PhD

PLANETARY HUMAN embraces the use of powerful, hypothetical-questioning methods that turn on, activate, the imagination and open the portal to what has been called the ‘higher mind’. It is from this authentic place within each individual that the clues and the keys to one’s calling in this particular life begin to appear. Activating the imagination for gaining clarity about one’s excitement and purpose is one of the most powerful and important choices one can make.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”   Albert Einstein

PLANETARY HUMAN offers this modern upgraded perspective to individuals, groups and to the broader sweep of society at large, thereby creating a genuine opportunity within any interested person to access the awe-inspiring reality of being a human presence on this beautiful planet.

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"To find our calling is to find the intersection between our own deep gladness and the world's deep hunger." 
    - Frederick Buechner

Discovering one's calling

A process to initiate deeper connection to one's 'calling' or 'purpose' in life can be initiated by a simple imagination-activity that will help you to circumvent the limitations of the conditioning that so often restricts our capacity to feel what really excites us at a deeper core-level of our being. Like most processes, this takes practice and time. From your heart ask regularly and without insistence:

"If my life were a book and I was the author,

how would I write it to go from here?"

Stay with this question and remain open to any ideas, images, and/or memories that might come up as clues to deeper forms of engagement. It is not about how you earn a living, although it could be connected to that. It is not something that you have to 'get real' about. In this exercise money is not an issue and success is assured. If those were the circumstances what would you do, be, become, unfold, create, etc? Remember, you could write your life from here in any way you want. Play with this and have fun. Let feelings of excitement be your guide. Perhaps use pen and paper. 

Video:   Jason silva ~ Call to Awaken
"It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question."
Eugene Ionesco
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"Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer."
Rainer Maria Rilke

Video:  James Hillman  on  - 'Your Calling'

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VIDEO:  caring for and loving Planet earth
"We make our world significant by the courage of our questions, -
and by the depth of our answers."
―  Carl Sagan
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"We are all aware, in our most lucid moments,

that there is a deeper purpose to life, and, in particular, to our life.

The fragmentary world of form is arresting to our senses,

but it does not provide satisfaction to our inborn longing for purpose.


"This is why the ego-mind is frustrated in so many who are here waiting

for their purpose to unfold. The art of the genuine is the practice of coherence

between the deeper awakening of the heart virtues within each of us,

and their faithful expression in the worlds of form.

"Those individuals who are awakened to the frequencies of the energetic heart within

and practice–to their best ability in the moment–the expression of these frequencies

in their behavior and actions are practicing their highest purpose.


"Allow me to stress this point: they are practicing their highest purpose.

They are not seeking it. They are not wondering what it is. They are not frustrated by the enigma

of their seeming elusive purpose. They are simply practicing it. Living it as an

integral element of their life expression and seeking to increase the degree of

coherence between what they understand their 6 HEART VIRTUES to be and

how they can express those heart virtues with genuineness."

- James Mahu - Event Temples: The Art of the Genuine'

The Art of the Genuine 
by James Mahu
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"Everything in the universe is a function of purpose." 
 - Arthur M Young
American inventor, helicopter pioneer, cosmologist, philosopher, and author

"Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says,

'This is the real me.' ... and when you have found that attitude, follow it."

~ William James

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